Sunday, 31 January 2021



I mean exactly. Huh? Like what was that? Like what in the hell was that? Well before I get all dramatic. Before I start mnyambuliko was vitenzi. I think this was where we were supposed to apply those funny Swahili way of speech we were taught. 

It's been a minute, right? Well here I am. Here I am in dee flesh writing after being away for a long while. 

So why,... huh? 

Well you see. Things have been pretty crazy in my life. But I choose not to share. Because where's the fun in that? So. Things have been typically crazy for me this January. Azin. Bro. 


Why am I being overly dramatic? It's cause I've never felt this much since I don't know when. Tihihi. Yeps. Its been crazy, real, damn, huge emotional rollercoaster. Ah. 

Lakini strong strong tupo!! Jeshi!!

So. What actually made me write this time round was. I am surprised by how mean people can be. Like yo? Hujui jokes. Hujui kurelax siste.

 Wozzup. Wozzpopinn.

I mean. What's so wrong about a girl's inability to do one thing. I mean. Before you go ahead and judge. Show me how you control your flaws. Show me the puppeteer that you are. Show me how you manipulate everything into going your way. Show me your billions. 

I mean. Billionaires are entitled to egos. I mean. They could buy off your whole street. 

But who are you? Why does someone else's peaceful existence have to include you? 

Don't be selfish!!!!!


Let's be realistic. Half the insecurities we make fun of from other people, belong to us. And what are you doing Kings and Queens? Why are we making it so hard to breath when we could just breath. We don't need those inhalers peeps. Why should someone control the air you breath?

Ah! These selfish hypocrites hiding behind religion. I mean. God sees through your shit... you're not so special. The world is supposed to be a better place. Not grounds for being a dictator to someone else's life. What makes you think you're so supreme?

Well. I just wish. Some day. People will stop being bad just because they think it'll make them cooler. And they'll let people go if they only know they're going to hurt them. 

A little peace wouldn't hurt now,  would it?
