Friday, 30 October 2020


I sat here and wondered. Why should I do it anyway? I mean. A man comes. A man goes. Pun most definitely not intended. Have your laugh. It's fine. Really. But, what of you? 

I get it. It's depressing. Most of the time you aren't really crying because of the betrayal. I mean. Let's be real. You miss it. 

But now it's gone. It's... kapoof! Its disappeared.  And you have to start again. You have to go back to square one, only with this so called "heartbreak"

Let's be real. Is it really heartbreak? Well it might feel like a heart break because it just didn't end up with happy smiles and funny titles.

 "Couple goals" if you may. 

But why should that be the end. Honey we've all gotten our "hearts broke" by something. I don't really think I should call that a heartbreak. I call it proof of your chest feeling deep emotions. But feeling sad because it gave them to the wrong person. 

Lemme tell you why I don't believe in heartbreaks. Because the minute you find a good relationship. And settle. Like give it all up. Give up expectations. Give up things like type. And just really listen to your heart. 

I mean, how many of y'all have experienced happiness with a guy but shut him off just because, and Ladies correct me if I'm wrong.,

 "He's not good looking enough for the photos." 


 " my friends are gonna find this hilarious."

Why do you care so much about what people say when your heart is literally exploding inside. Loving men you know are gonna tap the next ass that jiggles. Men who lack respect for women. Men who feel entitled to love while doing nothing but giving dicks to girls who really need their carrots. 

But, even though love feels bitter. Love is really worthit. Because as soon as you get to love someone, you'll forget everything about your heartbreak. Because you've chosen to build a life with this man and he understands that. 

Come on darlings, let's be positive about life. Shall we?