Friday, 22 May 2020


So my  main characters are my demons and I.

My demons: Hi Blvck. I've always liked that name. It makes, you and I blend. Catch my drift?

Blvck: Oh no!? :/ What do you want now!??

My demons: Oh Blvck darlings you don't have to look so sad. I thought you were used to me by now. Because, you know, you kinda suck.

Blvck: I know I do but I don't need you to remind me every single day.

My demons: oh come on honey you know this is exactly how it is. You know that you just cant keep your mind off things. You always bounce back when you see me. You kinda like it here...

Blvck: Come on! You think I like it here. You see I don't know if  something is messing with my head or not. I dont know I'm gonna be alive that long. But choosing to live like this. You think it's a choice and I admire you for that. Because you are what is eating me up.

My demons: come on. I'm sure you're used to it. I kinda like you like this. You know... pathetic and sad. And it's alarming because I just got you from a wonderful night. You had the chance to share your problems. You had the chance to be happy but I ate you didn't I!!

Blvck: I wish you didn't create the hvrt in me. But you're right about one thing. I lost a chance. But I bet I'm gonna create it again. Bet!!!!

My demons: Oh please honey, you???? You mean YOU... HAHA oh Lord you're being serious. You need to get a hold of the situation. You fuck up. Big time. So many times. You have no idea how many people pity you from a distance. Hell you don't even look that ideal.

Blvck: Will you fucking shut upppppp!!!!!!!

My demons: Guess you should do us all a favour and kill yourself!!! I mean what good is it that you got to offer. What!!???? A kind heart. What??? Generosity....or what is it???!! Huh??? FORGIVENESS!!! Haha bitch you must be crazy. Hell you're listening to me. You're a fucked up person.

Blvck: Listen here bitch it's not like I don't know. It's  just, sometimes...

My demons: Apapap... nah more excuses. You're just a sorry ass bitch who needs to learn when to give up. You need to let go!!! You're worthless. Take a chill and a pill or 2. You need to loosen up. Maybe try 10 and sleep for eternity.

Blvck: Will you please leave me alone???? I'm tired...


  1. Can we have this conversations in the dark??

  2. Though how hard, we need to fight back! They can't win>>>Insecurities.
