Casie... I know y'all her fans huh. Well you know how occasionally the things you experience in life influence you? She knew it all. The eye rolls... the stares. And well, you know... the occasional pat on the back...claiming strength. But it was not okay. One time lucky...two times lessons...three times empty. You know that thread that you want to bead up and give life. Give colour...shape.. yeah she was way past that. The strength of a million compliment wasn't that strong in her mind. All but wonder is what she thought of. But mommy dearest should help Cassie cast out the cast in her body. The mummifying cloth wraps around her body that needed to be sewn. The belief that an ear to plead with was present... but was it?
You know those times when you want to just... be there. You know. They lived together, might as well act like it huh...! Huh? But then there's an extent to a joke. And those jokes went on too far... hey let's cut the pace a bit and bring it back to where it all started. But then that's a whole other story so...why not proceed...right?
So alcohol is a beautiful dream only with major consequences the next day. And having complete knowledge about it and still taking the leap of faith is monstrous. Hell I believe its badass. But Casey never cared. She did it all. In fact she downed her own little...'quota' bottle not just once...but three times maybe. Everyone stared. could a girl even. Why would she. She brought herself up on her feet...climbed upon a chair and went to the top of the table and she whispered very loudly to her housemates...
"You know what???? I was raped...!!!"
She then let out the most excruciating painful laughters in a span of a minute. The she held her breath and said...
"Did you hear me??? I'm suffocating".
They all looked at her like she was mad. A mad woman but what she was was terrified. She was lost in the abyss of her tormenting mind. She was there with all the questions and it ate her up and she puked. But... her housemates.. spoon fed her all her vomit and gave it to her raw..
"So what's that got to do with us...I mean you only refused a good time handed out to you"
I mean Casey couldn't believe her ears. I mean I don't. Do you?
Casey sat back down and ordered a glass of the good bad stuff and all it tasted like was regret and wonder. Am I an actual person? Did they hear me really?
Hey... do you?
How about start writing blog pieces sis ....cos yo good
ReplyDeleteI hear you, An amazing piece yet again, truly golden hands