Wednesday, 29 April 2020


Don't you just love a red sky. The way it looks when it touches your skin. Staring into the big blue ocean. This is one of the reasons I love Coast. Because, there's so much beauty in between the chaos. Have you been to the coast? It's mostly beautiful memories with some really major sun burns if you don't  care for your skin. But this...this is not about the beach. It's about a sun set. About the sky turning red. For a couple of minutes...hours if you're lucky. To the dark sea that's ready to turn into darkness. Sun set. How the sun hides in between the clouds creating horizons that make you feel warm. But, there's always the cold gaze of the sea. Black but beautiful. And I can't  help but wonder... is this how life is supposed to be. Can I get you into my mind a little bit... promise not to show you the black hole.

You're born. You have this great family that's there to welcome you. Cause if you think about it... water begins in droplets. Then droplets settle together to form one big blue. Ocean, sea, river, dam, fall, anything you see in the form of water. So it's a family. And that's exactly how family is when you're a baby. Everything is perfect.

You see how the sea has a beautiful blue in a clear slightly cloudy sky. It looks... I think I should show you.

That is exactly how I see it. Something that's calm.  That's how your first days are.
Then you have to grow up and go through some major storms. I mean. Getting picked on in school. Failing in some of your good studies. The noise. The insults on both ends. You want to avoid it all because you can't leave. Leaving means defeat and you've come too far to get defeat. But the storms are raging everything feels empty.
Clearly... you hate it. You have to rock both sides. You have to please society and maintain sanity when dealing with demanding people. People who are supposed to supposedly walk with you. It gets tiring
Then you grow somewhat mature. You "come into the world". Damn, I hated that phrase. What you mean...was I living under a rock all these years? I mean... I know I was breathing...come on I was walking back and forth. You saw me. I know you did. So you have to remind yourself that they have a heart and good memory and one day they might reform. But days get colder and sometimes you just turn to ice. Cold as the weather.
But it's not always dull. It's not always crazy. Sometimes the sun sets. That burning hot feel...that tanning hot. That eye tear that's in a dry eye. The sweat. It fades when the sun sets. Because the sun... gets to give us a little warmth even when our days are feeling colder. There's that warmth. And I wouldn't die for anything because when you get that warmth. You can finally breath and live.
You can cut out the bull... say fuck to the people who dont see value in you...kill em with kindness till their souls get cut off. Do it. Just don't lose yourself in the demise. Because demise can get cooler sometimes. And I dont mean colder...I mean flex. the chill kinda weather. Like a sun dig?


  1. I dig😊As I definitely dig this piece, super beautiful with the oceanic references, she strikes again. - Twin

  2. 😢😢😢😢😢i relate

  3. Nice piece😊
    But we keep forgetting that the ocean is strong, the ocean is the mother of sea animals, the ocean Carrys both good and bad memories. No matter how strong the waves and tides are, the ocean knows it's value and remains beautiful.
    You're just like the ocean, drop a tear in the ocean......once you find it, that's the moment you'll ever give up.
    Nice article though😊💕
